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This is How We Act: DFM’s Core Values

This is How We Act: DFM’s Core Values

At the heart of DFM’s ethos lies an unwavering commitment to safety. Their core values – committed to memory by staff – are “To serve, to create, to collaborate, to respect and to be safe above all else.” And the DFM facilities management team lives by these values – day in and day out.

Let’s break DFM’s core values down:

To serve: Integrated facilities management relies heavily on efficient operations and robust support services to maintain productivity and competitiveness. DFM has created a stand-out reputation in this cut-throat industry, known for their unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction and white-glove service.

To create: “People are much more likely to create if they have a feeling of mutual respect,” said Stacey Hoffman, Director of Finance at DFM. DFM is known for their creative, adaptive solutions. DFM and their partner Walbridge are focused on out-of-the-box safety ideas, new innovations, and original, inspired solutions for getting a better design experience and overarching facilities maintenance issues.

To collaborate: DFM fosters a culture of collaboration, encouraging open communication and active participation from every employee. They promote a sense of shared responsibility, where everyone understands the client’s needs. “Clients that we work with typically share the same core values that we do,” says Samantha Russo, Manager Business Development and SDI. “They care about things like safety and quality.” This collaborative approach creates a unified workforce committed to the well-being of all individuals within the facilities they manage.

To respect: “The most important core value to me is always respect,” said Stacey Hoffman, Director of Finance at DFM. As a woman-owned and led business, DFM prides themselves on qualifications and capabilities, not gender bias or ZIP code. “Lauren really commands attention because she’s earned it. She’s got that credibility,” said Chris Johnson, Managing Director.

Be safe: Recognizing that a safe workplace is not only a legal requirement but also a moral obligation, DFM has made it their priority to implement robust safety protocols across all facets of their operations. Safety isn’t a one-person job; it requires a collective effort from all members of an organization. In fact, DFM’s safety motto is “if it’s not safe I won’t do it and I won’t let others do it.” DFM goes above and beyond to exceed industry standards. They continually evaluate and update their safety protocols to reflect the latest best practices and innovations. By remaining at the forefront of safety advancements, they set a higher benchmark for the industry and inspire others to prioritize safety as well. “As far as we’re concerned the state and federal regulations – and the customer regulations – are a minimum standard,” says Melissa Czarnecki, EHS Director. “We talk about safety all the time with the employees – it starts at the beginning of their shift ends with their shift.”

At every level – from the leadership team to contractors, from the cleaning crews to the admins – DFM takes great pride in living their core values. “This is how we act. This is how we go about our business,” said TJ Couch, Operations Program Director. “This is how we form relationships.”

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